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Liposuction in Antalya Turkey


Liposuction can be performed on virtually any area of the body where there is excess fat. The most popular areas for those wanting liposuction are the tummy, hips (“love handles”), waist, thighs and chest.

Refined Contour with Liposculpture

More refined results are possible with tumescent liposuction (often referred to as liposculpture) which improves the overall result. The figure can be truly sculpted. Liposuction at Palm Clinic has a high rate of patient satisfaction. Compression garments are required to reduce bruising and swelling and are usually worn for around 3 days. Most people can return to work thereafter.

Different Techniques of Liposuction

In some cases of liposuction( laser or lipomatic )can be used to make fat easier to remove.Actually, it is not the machine but the operator that is the most important to getting an excellent result. I have used almost all modalities.

  1. Utrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) – VASER
    This method uses ultrasonic vibrations to turn fat cells into liquid. 
  2. Powered assited Liposuction;(lipomatic e.g)
    In the Powered Liposuction procedure, a vibrating cannula is used to remove tough fat areas. Powered liposuction usually causes less pain and swelling, as it allows Dr. Demir to remove fat with great precision.

    Lipomatic is a liposuction device. It provides the possibility to take up to 12 liters of fat at a time. It has a much more lasting effect than other liposuction methods or procedures with sessions performed on the skin. The most important of its features is that it does not damage the internal organs or muscles by taking the fat tissue by a vibrating vacuuming method. Due to the fact that there is no incision etc., aesthetic suture is applied to 2mm areas where only thin canals called cannulas are inserted and these stitches disappear spontaneously over time.



    Lipomatic applications can be performed by local -(awake-) or general anesthesia. If the amount of fat to be taken out is 1-2 liters, local anesthesia should be applied, and if it is more than that, general anesthesia should be applied.


  4. Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL)
    This method uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells.  It is associated with an increased risk of lipo burns, and because it melts fat, it is not suitable for fat transfer procedures such as a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) or fat transfer to breasts.

Lipedema :

Lipedema is a chronic medical condition characterized by a symmetric buildup of adipose tissue (fat) in the legs and arms. A common but under recognized disorder, Lipedema may cause pain, swelling, and easy bruising. It may be accompanied by an unusual texture within the fat that can feel like rice, peas, or walnuts beneath the surface of the skin. The intensity of pain may range from none to severe, and its frequency may be constant, come and go, or only occur when the fat is pushed on. Limited public awareness of Lipedema, coupled with few research-backed treatments, can lead to exacerbation of symptoms as well as physical and emotional distress. Common symptoms include fatigue, muscle pain, or easy bruising.

Liposuction can be used to reduce the size of fat deposits but standard liposuction is not recommended.

Liposuction is a very effective treatment for lipedema when conservative therapies fail. In this procedure, lipedema fat is removed, sparing the lymphatic vessels. Several techniques are used as follows.

  1. Tumescent technique: Klein solution (normal saline or lactated ringer, lidocaine or prilocaine, epinephrine, sodium bicarbonate) is used to saturate the fat. This tumescence provides turgor to tissue that microcannula slide through the fat, and tiny, rapid vibrations break the fat, which is then suctioned out.